If you like to review products and get paid to do it then you may want to look into a site called SharedReview.com. SharedReviews.com is a site that allows you to make $10 for every 5 approved product reviews up to a maximum of $100 per person. In addition there is a revenue sharing program that lets you make even more money. PLUS, Once the Beta starts, you'll be able to earn cash incentives for all of the approved product reviews that you submit, earning your share of the $10,000 in Beta Cash. And what’s cool about this program is that if you sign up right now, they’ll give you two totally free review credits, so all you need to do is write 3 approved reviews and you make $10.
SharedReviews is a brand new site that is actively seeking reviews to post reviews in the very near future. They still have to get everything in place but if you sign up today you can get your free credits and begin writing your reviews and storing them in a file on your desktop for future use. The program is supposed to start by the end of June 2007, so be sure to sign up right away.
Check them out at http://sharedreviews.com/
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