Sunday, December 30, 2007

Associated Contents New UNLIMITED EARNINGS Program

Join Associated Content

My top two recommendations of all time for people looking to make money online with no investment are 1. Write articles for cash and 2. Create a website/blog and monetize it to the fullest. Every other way to earn online pretty much falls somewhere in between those two concepts. Today I wanted to tell you about some awesome changes that have just been made to Associated Content (my all time favorite paid-to-write company). AC has added a brand new feature that totally ROCKS!!!! They have now given all of their writer a chance to make UNLIMITED EARNINGS off of every single submission, whether it is exclusive or non-exclusive rights.

First let me give a brief review on what Associated Content is and how it works for those of you who may not be currently working for this company. I’ll also share my own experiences.
Associated Content (AC) is a website that is host to an amazing amount of articles, all written by every day people like you and I. They have articles on every single topic you can think of from cooking to sports to news to adult reads. AC is the best site of all time for anyone who is looking to read about virtually any topic. Individuals use AC to get information for themselves as reading material, for school reports or any other kind of project they may be interested in. Businesses also use Associated Content to find material to purchase for their websites or for other promotional materials. So as you can see, AC is a necessity to anyone, no matter what their walk of life. Whether you are seeking medical advice or you just want to read up on the presidential debate, Associated Content is the #1 place to do it.
I began writing for them over a year ago and have gigantic success. I love their company because not only do they pay you UPFRONT for all of your work but they also open the doors to unlimited possibilities.
Besides winning many of their excellent contests, I have been able to get life changing offers through AC that I never would have been able to accomplish on my own, In November of 2006, The Sun Tribune Newspaper spotted on of my Associated Content articles about regifitng and liked it so much that not only did they feature the article in their newspaper but they also conducted an over the phone interview with me!
In February 2007 I was offered an incredible job through AC. I now write exclusive articles for the hot and trendy website The pay per article is excellent plus it gives me the opportunity to cross promote my work and get my name out there in a completely different field besides being the “work from home guru”.

Associated Content is amazingly cutting edge. They have excellent performance tracking software that allows you to get up-to-the-minute updates about every aspect of their company. You get to know what stage of review your article is at, how much you are going to be paid, how many views each of your articles have had and do on. Working for a company that makes you feel so secure is a blessing.
Another thing I absolutely adore about Associated Content is that there’s no limit to how much you can make. You can submit as many articles as you’d like, as often as you’d like, 24 hours a day. There’s been many months that I have submitted over 70 pieces! If you think about my earnings for 70 pieces @ approximately $9 each, that’s $630 a month! If I was able to devote more time to writing, I could easily make $2,000 a month JUST FROM AC!

If you have not signed up to write for AC, you can sign up here.

Now, onto the “New News”!!! As I mentioned, AC has created a new, awesome feature that has me so excited! It’s called the “Performance Bonus” and it is for every single author (aka “content producer” / CP)।
The way it works is that for every 1,000 page views your content generates you are paid an ADDITIONAL $1.50.

Get PAID to CHAT Online!

Work from Home: Mylot
Rating: TBD
Good: Get paid to chat! What could be better than that? Low cash out amount of $10!
Bad: Unsure.

Mylot is a fun way to make a few extra bucks by basically chatting with other users. They have a community of over 30,000 people and millions of postings. if you contribute to the Mylot Community - whether it is by posting a new discussion, responding to a current discussion, commenting on a current discussion, or referring friends, you earn money. Members are paid on a level of activity.

Posting and responding to discussions is actually really fun and easy! You can create a discussion about just about anything from dating to food to children and so on. Responding to topics is a breeze too!
Plus you can make extra money by getting people to view your photos, which can be easily and quickly uploaded into your profile section.

Mylot is a fun alternative to regular online chatting using myspace or other blogging forums. By becoming a mylot member you have the option to participate in super deep discussions about topic like religion or politics or you can just meet people and answer fun questions such as, “What is you favorite cheese?” And I have yet to deal with any “jerks” on this site! Everybody is very open-minded, unlike other forums.

In addition, Mylot is a superb way to PROMOTE your articles, blogs or websites! You can easily link to them in every appropriate discussion or begin your own topic related to them! For example, I write numerous reviews about online employers and work from home companies. I have been able to link to my articles in every topic that asks, “Where can I find legitimate online work?”
This not only give me page views on Associated Content, but I also am able to post links to my websites and hope for clicks as well!
I have been a member of Mylot for almost one week now and I have already noticed an increase in my Adsense account.

The best part about Mylot is that you can cash out at $10! I love this as an alternative to companies like Adsense that make you hit $100 to get paid or Shareasale that request $50 worth of earnings before you get your check.

Since I have not been a Mylot member for very long I can not tell you what the real earning potential of this site is. I have read that some users are stuck at .02-cents while other users are making $50+ every day – even when they don’t log on! But I can tell you that I have had a total blast creating discussions and reading responses. Plus, as mentioned earlier, I can promote my work. I do suggest checking it out! But I warn you – it’s addicting!

Click HERE to sign up and instantly start earning!!! - Another Paid Opportunity

I was told about by my girlfriend. It seemed like a pretty cool way to earn online so I decided to check it out.

Upon entering Gather’s website, I gotta say, I was pretty impressed! The site is amazingly nice and very user friendly. This is a breath of fresh air because 90% of recommendations I receive are for less-than-appealing, low budget, poorly maintained sites. is everything but that!

My first question was, “How do we make money?”

After reviewing the site I came to the conclusion that Gather appears to have the best of all of my favorite site combined. You can earn by publishing articles (poems, blogs, whatever), commenting on threads, uploading images, chatting, etc.

My next question was “How do they pay us?”

In Gather’s FAQ’s section I located the following blurb:

“Gather will make money by displaying advertising to people who use Gather's services. It just seems fair that we share our advertising revenue with you based on the quality and popularity of the content you contribute on Gather. We will also share some of our revenue with you if you choose to use the site actively, exploring content that others write, searching on Gather and on the web, and inviting your friends, family, and colleagues to use the site. We will pay occasional users in points that you will be able to use to purchase goods and services from Gather partners in a few months. We will pay frequent users, who write great content consistently, in cash if they choose.”

With that being said, Gather Points can be cashed out for gift cards, prizes or money.
Every “point” is equivalent to 2 cents. If you hit $50 in accumulated points in a month you can get paid in cash. These payments are made via Pay Pal. (that means you’ll have to hit about 2500 points in a month to get cash).
But how possible is it to hit this cash out mark?

Some pretty cool things about is:

1. YOU own YOUR content! This is pretty cool because it gives you the opportunity to publish whatever you’d like. You can take advantage of by using it as a tool to promote your ventures, whether it’s your company, your website or so on.
2. You get additional points for referring others.

So if you want to sign up for and start making money today, click HERE

Get Paid to Accept Phone Calls: Nothing to Buy!

Brring! Get Calls, Get Cash!

How would you like it if I told you that you could actually MAKE TELEMARKETERS PAY TO TALK TO YOU? Wouldn’t that totally make your day? Lol. Well, your day has been made! There’s a new company called “Brring!” that has totally pushed the limits of advertising and earning money. They have came up with a system that forces telemarketers to listen to advertisements before they can speak with you on the phone. Here’s the cool part – for every ad the telemarketer listens to YOU EARN!! The first 10 advertisements will earn you $1 each and typically every ad after that will score you about 0.05 cents. Here’s the details:

You sign up for a TOTALLY FREE Brring phone number. Then, every time anyone calls it – friends, family, telemarketers, bill collectors, etc, you earn money. As soon as the short advertisement (10 seconds tops) is done playing, your calls are automatically, instantly forwarded to your personal phone and Brring is completely out of the picture. People don’t “have” to call your bring number, but they can if that is the number you give to them.

Cool stuff about Brring:

• You can customize the ads your callers hear.

• You get to select the ringback tone of your choice. Generally a ringback tone is the standard ringing sound your callers hear when they call your phone and wait for you to answer. With Brring you can pick whatever noise/song/sounds you’d like it to be! And there’s no cost to do so! All you need to do is upload whatever you’d like it to be.

• As mentioned, if you have callers you don’t want to hear ads – mom, grandma, boss, etc. they simply call you on your normal phone number as usual.

• You DO NOT need a Brring number in your same area code! You can select a number in any area code you’d like.

• You only need to earn $10 to be able to cash out. So you will get your first cheack after you have received 10 calls, then your next checks will come after about every 200 calls. But if you think about it, 200 calls in one month is only about 6.5 calls a day.

Ways to Earn Even MORE with Brring
If the .05 cents per call isn’t enough for you, now you can earn even more with Brring in the following ways:

- Import your friends off of Facebook and get .25 cents

- Complete profiles for each of your callers. Every profile you finish will earn you .50 cents!

- Refer others to the Brring program. For each referral you’ll get $1

- Set ad playing rules. Every time you set an ad playing rules for one of your callers profiles you will earn .05 cents

- Share your number with others. Each person you share you new number with will give you .05 cents!

Check out Brring today!

Get Paid to Write Reviews for Shared

Join SharedReviews

If you like to review products and get paid to do it then you may want to look into a site called is a site that allows you to make $10 for every 5 approved product reviews up to a maximum of $100 per person. In addition there is a revenue sharing program that lets you make even more money. PLUS, Once the Beta starts, you'll be able to earn cash incentives for all of the approved product reviews that you submit, earning your share of the $10,000 in Beta Cash. And what’s cool about this program is that if you sign up right now, they’ll give you two totally free review credits, so all you need to do is write 3 approved reviews and you make $10.

is a brand new site that is actively seeking reviews to post reviews in the very near future. They still have to get everything in place but if you sign up today you can get your free credits and begin writing your reviews and storing them in a file on your desktop for future use. The program is supposed to start by the end of June 2007, so be sure to sign up right away.

Check them out at

Paid to Read Email Programs - My Opinion & More


I received an email from one of nthoangga readers asking me to look into a Paid to Read email company called Hits4Pay. So here’s my review –

Hits4Pay is an online company that specializes in strictly paid to read emails. As you may know, I am not a huge fan of 99% of paid to read programs because I think they are a complete waste of time, but occasionally I will take the time to investigate one if it’s recommended by someone and I have never heard of it before.

Hits4Pay is similar to almost all of the other paid to read programs as far as pay goes. You receive .02 cents per each email you “read”. What most people don’t know about PTR programs is that you don’t just “read” the email (that would be all too easy), instead you have to actually click a link provided in each email and visit the advertisers website. Now the thing that makes me hate the mentioned 99% of PTR programs is that not only do you have to click the link but you usually have to stay on the advertisers website for a specified amount of time,. I have seen many companies request that you spend at least 15 seconds on each site. This means that the most amount of emails you can really “read” in one minute is 3, because it takes time to open the email, locate the link, wait for the page to load then spend your 15 seconds there. At this rate you’re generally taking in .06 cents per minute. This earns you a whopping $3.60 an hour. HOWEVER, from what I can tell, Hits4Pay have a time requirement, but you can open more than 1 advertisements as the same time. So actually, you just open a bunch, and so you can make about $7-$9 an hour.

The other tolerable thing about Hits4Pay is that they only require that you earn $25 before you can cash out. So lets say you read emails at .02 cents a piece; you will have to read 1,250 emails to make $25.00.

Now, Hits4Pay also offers a $10 sign up bonus, but you can’t get your free $10 until you have made $25 on your own. I am always hesitant about companies that offer sign up bonuses. I always ask myself, “If their program is so great, why do they have to pay me to sign up?” But this is just my personal opinion. That’s not always the case, but more often than not, it seems to be.

I think the only way to really make money with Hits4Pay is to refer people to their program. But you only get paid if the people you refer actually read the emails (meaning open the email, click the link, etc). You get a penny for every email they complete. Plus you get a penny for every email your referrals-referrals read – It’s a two tier earning system. *But I would like to point out that if you read through the “Terms of Service” page, you’ll see that it says you get .02 cents per referrals read emails. So I really don’t know which of their pages they are going by.

So overall, I think this program is all right, that is, for a PTR program. If you are looking to try out a Paid to Read email program then this may be a good place to start.

If you’d like to sign up for Hits4Pay, click here

Best Online Money Making Jobs for Teenagers: 13 - 17

If you are a teenager and looking to make money online without having to own a website, there are options available to you. However, you will need to take into consideration two things –

1. Many jobs pay by Pay Pal, so you will need a pay pal account in order to accept payments. If you have a pay pal account all ready – great! If not you may want to find out if you will be able to use your parents account, if they have one them have them give you your earnings in cash once they have received them. Or you will have to create a Pay Pal account. Pay Pal is totally free but you need a real bank account in order to receive funds. This is a matter that you will need to discuss with your parents. Pay Pal is very secure. I have used it for many years and I love it.

2. Jobs that do not pay by Pay Pal will pay you by check through the mail, so you will need to cash your checks. If you do not have a state i.d. or drivers license, you will more than likely need your parents to help you cash your checks. SO before you sign up for any of these programs, please discuss the situation with your parents.

Now, lets get to the good part – online, money making jobs!

There’s several options that you can try without ever having to spend a penny. Whatever you do, NEVER buy anything! Even if a company promises that you can make lots of money. The truth is that you can make lots of money – for FREE!

Shared Reviews

Age: None Listed
Pay/About: is a site that allows you to make $10 for every 5 approved product reviews up to a maximum of $100 per person. In addition there is a revenue sharing program that lets you make even more money. PLUS, Once the Beta starts, you'll be able to earn cash incentives for all of the approved product reviews that you submit, earning your share of the $10,000 in Beta Cash. And what’s cool about this program is that if you sign up right now, they’ll give you two totally free review credits, so all you need to do is write 3 approved reviews and you make $10.
Method of Payment: Pay Pal

Associated Content
Age: 13 and up
Pay/About: Associated Content buys content upfront for cash. They pay through Pay Pal. There’s no limit to what topic you can write on – videop games, music, tips for school, etc.
Now, the only thing you need to know about AC is that (for the most part) they don’t accept trash. So if you have very poor grammer and lack writing skills, you may not want to work for them. HOWEVER, this is a wonderful place to use to make money off of your whomework! Submit all of your essays and research projects to them! Expect to make $4 - $15 per article!
Method of Pay: Pay is made by Pay Pal ONLY.

Age: None Listed
Pay/About: Gather pays you in the form of gift cards and cash for posting your own articles. You can write about any topic. I have earned 3 gift cards through them all ready! The gift cards are for places like Borders books, Home Depot and more.
Method of Pay: Giftcards and checks through the mail.

Age Requirement: 16 and over
Pay/About: Mylot pays you to post discussions and respond to discussions. It’s a great way to make as much money as you want and meet other people with your same interests. Discussions can be as simple as “What’s your favorite color?” or as complex as views on Religions, politics, etc.
Pay is approximately 2 cents per new discussion and 1 cent per reply. You also earn money for lots of posts on your topics and referrals. Expect to make $5 - $8 an hour if you are focused and take discussions seriously.
Method of Payment: Pay Pal